On 10/17/18 1:41 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

On 10/16/18 7:33 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Dean,

Thanks for tackling this.

I'm still struggling to fully grasp why we need both the PerfCounters and the regular counters. I get that we have to decrement the live counts before ensure_join() has allowed Thread.join() to return, to ensure that if we then check the number of threads it has dropped by one. But I don't understand why that means we need to manage the thread count in two parts. Particularly as now you don't use the PerfCounter to return the live count, so it makes me wonder what role the PerfCounter is playing as it is temporarily inconsistent with the reported live count?

Perf counters were added long time back in JDK 1.4.2 for performance measurement before java.lang.management API.  One can use jstat tool to monitor VM perf counters of a running VM.   One could look into the possibility of deprecating these counters and remove them over time.

On 17/10/2018 9:43 AM, dean.l...@oracle.com wrote:
New webrev:


When the perf counters are updated when a thread is added/removed, it's holding Threads_lock.  Are the asserts in ThreadService::remove_thread necessary?

Not really.  They were intended to catch the case where the atomic counters weren't decremented for some reason, not for the perf counters.
Should I remove them?

For clarify, I think we could simply set _live_threads_count to the value of _atomic_threads_count and set _daemon_threads_count to the value of _atomic_daemon_threads_count.

I think that works, even inside decrement_thread_counts() without holding the Threads_lock.  If you agree, I'll make that change.



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