Hi Daniel,

On 1/23/07, Daniel Pielmeier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a problem concerning my previous shorewall installation.
> I tried to use shorewall to configure my firewall, but i couldn't get
> NAT to work. So i decided to remove shorewall and tried it with plain
> iptables. This is now working for me but everytime when i start my
> network connection it seems that my handmade iptable rules are
> overwritten. I have to manually run my iptables-script, do "iptables
> save" and "iptables restart" to get it back working.

What IMHO you should be asking here is how to get the NAT working with
Shorewall. That's really not very hard to setup, and then in the end
you'd have a full scale firewall running on your router. That's what
people here on the list can help you with.

The problem you have right now is off-topic, since it is purely Gentoo
related. Maybe you are lucky and someone on the list can help you, but
really the better place to ask would be some Gentoo mailing list or

> I have compared INPUT FORWARD and OUTPUT chains which are changed with
> my previous shorewall configuration and they are the same, so i think
> there are some things from shorewall remaining on my system which are
> restored when i start my internet conection. I have searched my system
> completely to find any remaining parts of shorewall but i couldn't
> find anything which could cause this problem.
> I am using Gentoo Linux and i tried to solve this problem already with
> help of the gentoo mailing list. You can find the relevant thread here
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/177640
> and here
> http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user/177639
> This thread shows my initial problem with shorewall and my actual problem.

That is a very long thread that at least initially just contains the
messages about you trying to get NAT working - if you want someone to
help you with completely deinstalling shorewall, then I think you
should post links directly to the messages related to that. If you
want us to help you fix Shorewall instead, then there's no need for
these links anyways, just follow the Shorewall support page

> I loked in your Shorewall Support Guide but my problem doesn't fit in
> scheme, so i give the information i have, but when you need anything
> further feel free to ask for it!
> The shorewall version which caused this trouble was 3.0.8.
> Below you see my current iptable-rules:
      [ cut iptables output ]

Your iptables rules don't matter for these problems in any case... :-)


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