This functionality should be at a higher level than a firewall like
shorewall... my guess would be that Asterisk can do something like
that already (though I have never used it (-; ).


On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 4:39 PM, Rick Bragg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I realize that this is probably not possible for Shorewall, or any
>  firewall, but I'm not sure where else to turn, and I would really love
>  it if Shorewall could do this so here goes!
>  Is it possible to drop connections to my Voip phone based on the
>  incoming phone number?  i.e., I have a Voip phone inside my private
>  network, and I would love to drop connections (calls) if the incoming
>  number is coming from 1-800-xxx or 888-xxx phones!
>  Any advice?
>  Thanks!
>  Rick
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