Mary Enig, Ph.D., is one of the world's experts on fats and I greatly
respect her for her integrity and intelligence. The following article is
from Dr. Joseph Mercola's website.

Dr. Enig penned the essay below in response to another essay whose
scholarship is questionable, shall we say. You can go to Dr. Mercola's
excellent website and do a search for the original esssay that sparked Dr.
Enig's reply.

Canola Oil Update
Although canola oil is not a favorite oil with me for a number of reasons
(none of which were listed in the article), the statement suggesting that
because it is used as an industrial oil it is therefore not edible is not
valid. Flax oil is also used as an industrial oil for paint and linoleum,
etc. But when it is prepared as a food it is edible. Most oils have been
used at one time or another as industrial products. One of the most edible
of oils, coconut oil, is used for many industrial products, especially for
soaps and cosmetics.

Olive oil apparently has been used to make soap for as long as it has been
used as a food oil. Perhaps the most blatant error and comparison made by
Mr. Lynn, though, is that regarding canola oil and mustard gas, which
chemically has absolutely no relationship to mustard oil or any other
mustard plant. Mustard gas is 2,2'-dichlorodiethyl sulfide and its
preparation using ethylene and sulfur chloride is given in the Merck Index.
It received its name because of the yellowish color of the gas and the
sulfur odor.

Canola and regular rapeseed oils are extracted from the seeds of several of
the brassica plants - the same family of plants from which we get vegetables
such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, kale, mustard greens, and
several other vegetables.

Of course, there is not much fat in these vegetables; but what fat there is
in some of them, e.g., mustard greens, is as much as 29 percent erucic acid.
Also, since glycosides (typical are stevioside and other flavonoids) are
basically water soluble, I would not expect to find much of them in any oil.
Those glucosinolates found in rapeseed meal after the oil has removed from
the seeds are the same goiterogens that are found in the brassica
vegetables. One problem with canola oil is that it has to be partially
hydrogenated or refined before it is used commercially and consequently is a
source of trans fatty acids; sometimes are very high levels.

Another problem is that it is too unsaturated to be used exclusively in the
diet; some of the undesirable effects caused by feeding canola can be
rectified if the diet is made higher in saturated fatty acids.

Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., Director Nutritional Sciences Division Enig Associates,

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