On 07-Feb-18 15:27, Quentin North wrote:
> Hi all
> A bit off topic, but Im not a historical Dec user so don’t know some
> of the basics with Dec OSes and have never oped one before.
> I have installed and configured Tops-10 on a simh PDP10.
> It is all fine, but when I am creating user accounts I have bumped
> into two minor issues and after wading through some enormous manuals I
> am none the wiser on how to solve. The issues are:
> When I set up a new users I get  a message something like: 
> New user PPN: [27,100]
> %REANDF No default project 27 profile found
> How do I set up the default profile and where (show mentions [27,%] or
> [%,%] but I don’t understand these PPNs)?
> When I login with a user that I have created I don’t seem to get a
> default SSL and dsk: is not assigned to dskb. If I manually assign
> dskb: dsk: that seems to work in that I can direct, but it doesn’t
> seem to just do that.
> .login quentin
> Job 3  KS10  TTY1
> %LGNSLE Search list is empty
> 20:05    7-Feb-118   Wednesday
> .dir
> %WLDSLE Search list empty 
> .dir dsk:
> %WLDSLE Search list empty dsk:
> Thanks for any help.
> Quentin

The defaults for a group are under the PPN [27,%].  Just create it with
react.  If there is no [27,%], the system-wide default is [%,%].  %
represents a reserved project or programmer number.  It is accepted by
the parser.

The search list for a user is defined by the disks on which quotas are
assigned.  Again, in react.

.r react

react>change [27,200] ; or [27,%], or [%,%]

change>structure-quota dskb inf inf

(I'm not quite sure of the exact syntax; it's been a while since I had
to do this - use '?')

I believe that react is documented in the tops-10 installation guide.

This assumes a relatively recent monitor.  The older react had a more
cryptic UI, and it's own specification in the software notebooks.  I
think it was about 7.02 when the new react was written using GLXLIB. 
The early prototypes had horrible performance due to a homebrew file
structure.  We had university customers with thousands of accounts.  I
converted it to use RMS index files - which upset the RMS group (who
thought RMS-10 would only be used for COBOL), but the performance was
stellar.  So the RMS group was instructed to fix the one bug that this

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