On 07-Feb-18 18:22, Dan Gahlinger wrote:
> since I did all that work recreating "castle" from the vax to the pc
> using turbo pascal (then free pascal)
> I'd like to "port" it back to the vax,
> but the vms 7.3 pascal compiler doesn't recognize "writeln"
I would be very surprised by this; writeln is in my copy of Jensen & Wirth.
writeln is also in the PASCAL user manual -

See also the language reference manual -
http://pascal-central.com/docs/pascal-refmanual.pdf, which lists WRITELN
as a predeclared procedure.

> and I suspect things like types and records and case statements wont
> work either.
> anyone have any ideas?
I don't have VAX PASCAL installed.  And I never used Turbo PASCAL.

But I'd start with HELP PASCAL (at the DCL prompt).

Look for a sub-topic like Language, Syntax, and/or RTL.  VAX languages
generally have detailed help.
You'll probably find your answer there. 

Also, you may need /standard:(validation with ANSI or ISO), and or
/old_version depending on what flavor/version of VAX pascal you used. 
See appendix D.

Use the manuals for gory details.

> Dan.

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