
I've been aware of calibre upgrading to Qt5 and I have my own system
updated to work with it on Slackware 14.1.  Right now Slackware 14.1 and
current cannot use the newer calibre due to the sip package being too old.
I was hoping Slackware current would update the sip package so that I could
update calibre for the next release.  Not sure if this will happen.

I still would like to be the maintainer of calibre and I'm aware of the
binary calibre download.  But I won't be maintaining a binary repackaging
of calibre.

With that said, if the SBo community wants calibre to be updated with the
binary repackaging then I'm willing to give up maintaining calibre.


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 8:08 AM, Gwenhael Le Moine <
gwenhael.le.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Since Calibre made the move to Qt5 the available Slackware packages
> (both from here and AlienBob) have been stuck to the 1.48 version.
> Today I've realized that there's a binary package provided by
> Calibre's developer that is quite simple to package and I've made a
> SlackBuild that does just that :
> https://github.com/cycojesus/slackbuilds/blob/master/xap/calibre/calibre.SlackBuild
> Due to the source used the resulting package is similar to AlienBob's
> in that it includes all dependencies.
> If there's any interest I'm willing to migrate my SlackBuild to SBo's
> standards, submit it and take over the maintainer-ship from the "old"
> calibre.SlackBuild (whose maintainer is CC'd here.)
> Cordially,
> Gwenhael Le Moine
> P.S. : for the sake of conviviality I attach my SlackBuild to this email.
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