> I did a rebuild overnight to make sure everything is still working and
> kept a log. Unfortunately, no magical insights from it though.
> However, it looks like the c++14 thing was a red herring - I see plenty
> of references to it (including checking for its capability).
Yeah, I don't believe this is an issue.

> I noticed that ninja itself (version, whatever) is probably not
> implicated; the configuration finds the system ninja to be too old and
> doesn't use it:
> Checking for system ninja...
> Found ninja from path: /usr/bin/ninja
> + /usr/bin/ninja --version
> > 1.10.0
> Ninja version too old
> Building own ninja
The upstream qtwebengine repo has a patch that hasn't been back ported it
to a version > 5.12.8 in the 5.12.x branch, which adds logic to pick up
ninja version >= 1.10.x.
Patch attached to pick up newer ninja version.

I also found the area where OP's build failed. No failure here but it is
> interesting that the progress indicator was quite different. In my build
> it was [15020/16427] but for OP it was [641/2162]. I wonder if that
> means different things are being built - leading to question of what the
> configuration discovered on the build machine (therefore determining
> what needed to be built).
Same.  Mine failed on [116/2525].  Looking up farther in the build output I
saw the following lines.

FAILED: obj/third_party/blink/renderer/core/core/core_initializer.o
virtual memory exhausted: Cannot allocate memory

> My build was on a clean, up to date, VM - nothing else installed except
> the required ninja, python3, meson & libxkbcommon packages.

Original VM had 4GB of RAM and no swap.  I increased it to 8GB of RAM and
that succeeded in less than half the time it took to fail on 4GB of RAM.


Attachment: qt5.SlackBuild.diff
Description: Binary data

From 8c1a4841174a90299ba2e2851b4d9e79da3b9b25 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kirill Burtsev <kirill.burtsev@qt.io>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2020 17:38:45 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Support build with system ninja >= 1.10.0

Fixes: QTBUG-82715
Change-Id: I9a269efa20d092f75a8a43cb20d1e0dc0f46b9f9
Reviewed-by: Michal Klocek <michal.klocek@qt.io>
 configure.pri | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/configure.pri b/configure.pri
index 3a144e3f8..3cfce71e0 100644
--- a/configure.pri
+++ b/configure.pri
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ defineTest(qtConfTest_detectNinja) {
     !isEmpty(ninja) {
         qtLog("Found ninja from path: $$ninja")
         qtRunLoggedCommand("$$ninja --version", version)|return(false)
-        contains(version, "1.[7-9].*"): return(true)
+        contains(version, "1\.([7-9]|1[0-9])\..*"): return(true)
         qtLog("Ninja version too old")
     qtLog("Building own ninja")
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