> I noticed that, when I try to PUT on a server some data from an inexisting
file, the server creates the asked resource, but empty. (For example : I
call putMethod(destination, file) with destination = /files/onefile.htm but
file path is false.)
> Why did you do that?  --a
> Before using putMethod, you should check whether the file exists.
> I guess, probably, after you shutdown and restartup the web-server, the
server will work correctly.
> That means the server hold the resource still, don't it?
> Sung-Gu

Yes, I can check the existence of the file ;o) But it is a real problem, no
? In case of such an error (wrong file), you can't undo your error...
And even after restarting the server... I mean, Slide, I didn't test that
with other servers.

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