Hi All;

 1.4 Final has been released and could be downloaded at


 The following features were added to this release:

 1. SSL implementation
2. Cookie based session support for the client side (AXISCPP-226)
3. SOAP header based session support for the client side (AXISCPP-238)

 The following improvements were made to this release:

 1. Create 100% C++ engine (AXISCPP-206)
2. Refactor WSDL2WS (AXISCPP-215)
3. Split client, server common includes (AXIS-219)
4. Remove pre-defined paths from Axis CPP Conf library names AXISCPP-220)
5. Eliminate warnings (AXISCPP-155)
6. Handler Tutorial (AXISCPP-244)
7. Provide access to the body of the SOAP message (AXISCPP-251)
8. Conflict in const/non-const method calls for Basic Node objects (AXISCPP-212)
9. Required support to store Complex Object properties (AXISCPP-276)
10. Provide the facility to set a new SOAP body to the DeSerializer from a Handler  (AXISCPP-301)
11. Transport that supports IPV6 (AXISCPP-217)
12. Keep Alive support for transport (AXISCPP-176)

Known Issues:

  1. Temporarily removed C support
  2. Out of the two parsers Expat and Xerces, only Xerces is supported
  3. AXISCPP 292 – 300
  4. AXISCPP-303
  5. AXISCPP-305
  6. AXISCPP-306

 Users of Axis C++ kindly visit http://wiki.apache.org/ws/FrontPage/AxisC_2b_2b/WishList and update the wish list. This will definitely help us know what features are important to you.  

 Enjoy Axis 1.4

Sanjaya, on behalf of the Axis C++ Team


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