
In previous years, some students attended to DebConf. Specially the last year,
we encouraged them to attend. This year's DebConf organization was a bit
chaotic and I did not feel like it was a good idea encourage students 
until very recently.
Sadly, the period to ask for sponsorship (*) has now closed, and I do not know
if it will be possible to get some exception. Let's see how much interests
there is and then what can be done.
Some questions:
- did somebody inscribed to get to DebConf?
- who did not subscribe and has interesting in attending?
- if you are planning to attend, did you submit a talk/bof about your project?  


(*) There are two levels of sponsoring:
- food and room, that is granted almost to everybody who requested it on time.
This is the kind of sponsorship I refer when I say asking about an exception.

- travel sponsorship, that is more carefully looked by a committe and might
not be available for gsoc students given funds are quite limited and it is
meant to people already involved in Debian.

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