Hi Antonio,

* Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org> [2014-02-10 18:10:39 -0300]:

> [not subscribed to the list, please keep me in Cc:]

> [snip]
> I just wrote a proposal for a project related to debci:
> https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2014/Projects/DebianContinuousIntegration
> In the list of deliverables I added some of the major efforts that I see
> for debci at the moment, which might be too much for a GSoC project. Can
> Is it OK to decide on the exact scope together with the student at the
> beginning of the project?

It is perfectly fine to come up with a rough list of ideas and requirements at
this stage. One thing we very strongly encourage mentors to do, however, is to
provide students with a small task to do, to show their skill and how they
approach problems during the application period. It can be as simple as adding
their name to the footer of a webpage, or in the log of a check run, ...

During the student application phase, the students are expected to make the
projects their own: give a detailed list of deliverables, plan their schedule,
etc.  It's during that phase, that we will be able to give feedback about the
realisticness of the project proposal according to the skills they have shown
beforehand, the duration of the program, etc.

> Thanks for coordinating this effort.

Thanks for your project proposal!

Nicolas Dandrimont

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