CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2022/12/10 16:45:51

Modified files:
        sys/netinet6   : icmp6.c 

Log message:
Remove unused experimental ICMP6 redirect low water bits

Dead since introduction in 2001 with icmp6.c r1.31:
implement upper limit to icmp6 redirects (experimental, turned off)
negative value to {mtudisc,redirect}_{hi,lo}wat will turn off the limitation.
sync with kame.

icmp6_redirect_lowat was always -1 and never hit the empty conditional.

icmp6_redirect_hiwat never existed.

icmp6_mtudisc_{hi,lo}wat are exposed as net.inet6.icmp6.mtudisc_{hi,lo}wat
sysctl(2)s, so don't touch those for now.

OK mvs

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