I get enough spam without getting crap like this. SpamBayes didn't bill you for anything and you know it. SpamBayes provides a free spam program; it doesn't sell anything let alone games. Every time someone like you sends crap to the SpamBayes list, it gets delivered to all list subscribers. So just stop it already. If someone is overcharging you for something, address it to them, not us.

Feb 13, 2009 04:05:54 PM, vicar...@msn.com wrote:
Why have you been charging me 5 times for 1 game that should be only $6.95 for the year. The charges were on 1/5/09, 1/6/09, 1/6/09, 1/6/09, 2/5/09.
The game is Call Of Atlantis and my order # is #0-2453722#.  Please remove the extra charges from my credit card.  
Thank You,
Victor Carrero

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