SpamBayes, which I have used for long time - great product -  is now not allowing me to Review.  I get this error:

500 Server error

Traceback (most
 recent call last):

  File "spambayes\Dibbler.pyc", line 461,
 in found_terminator

  File "spambayes\ProxyUI.pyc", line 391,
 in onReview

  File "spambayes\Corpus.pyc", line 214,
 in takeMessage

  File "spambayes\FileCorpus.pyc", line 140,
 in addMessage

  File "spambayes\Corpus.pyc", line 134,
 in addMessage

  File "spambayes\storage.pyc", line 617,
 in onAddMessage

  File "spambayes\storage.pyc", line 627,
 in train

  File "spambayes\message.pyc", line 265,
 in setId

  File "spambayes\message.pyc", line 119,
 in _getState

  File "shelve.pyc", line 118, in __getitem__

  File "bsddb\__init__.pyc", line 116, in

DBRunRecoveryError: (-30982, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY:
 Fatal error, run database recovery -- fatal
 region error detected; run recovery')
Rick King
PreFlight Ventures
Based in Research Triangle Park, NC, PreFlight Ventures helps investors find quality deals... and helps entrepreneurs and new ventures succeed through corporate partnering, technology licensing and getting acquired.
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