Martin Engelschalk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi Lloyd,
> i am not sure, but i checked the documentation and i don't think it ist 
> sound.
> In your Update, the ROWID semms to refer to ingredients.rowid. However, 
> you want to set properties.rowid.
> Can it be that it works, because Properties and Ingredients happen to 
> have the same number of rows?
> Martin
> Lloyd Dupont schrieb:
>> thanks Martin it worked!
>> although I replaced your (SELECT MAX(ID) FROM Properties)  by ROWID.
>> is it sound?
>> like that:
>> CREATE TRIGGER create_ingredient_property AFTER INSERT ON Ingredients
>>    INSERT INTO Properties (price) VALUES (NULL);
>>    UPDATE Ingredients
>>        SET property_ID = ROWID
>>        WHERE ID=OLD.ID;
>> END;

According to the documentation, you should be able to use the
last_insert_rowid() function:

    CREATE TRIGGER create_ingredient_property AFTER INSERT ON Ingredients
       INSERT INTO Properties (price) VALUES (NULL);
       UPDATE Ingredients
           SET property_ID = last_insert_rowid()
           WHERE ID=OLD.ID;


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