On 03/05/2017 08:22, Simon Slavin wrote:
Yes, as we already established it’s because you changed the values of other 
columns in the row.  I think you’re using SQLite’s blob calls in an unexpected 
way.  They’re not meant to be used as an ongoing editor.  Adding the kind of 
support you’ve asked for would involve slowing down the routines for all the 
existing users.  Not really worth it.

So, to be clear, blob writes can only be used when no other statements are executed in the middle? Because the latest testcase only changes the other table, not the table where the blob is.

I think you’re better off reading the existing BLOB value into memory using 
SELECT, editing it using standard memory-manipulation routines, then writing it 
back with an UPDATE when you’re ready.

This is very slow.


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