

I've got a problem in combining expressions. On combining multiple ANDs with
an OR within a SELECT WHERE clause, SQLite takes years to respond. (Database
has a size of only about 1 MB).

Using two SELECTs and combining them by UNION works like a charm! What could
be the problem here?


This statement takes about 10 seconds after result can be read:


SELECT <.> FROM Scenes AS s, Movies AS m, Categories AS c WHERE m.Id =
s.MovieId AND ((s.MovieId = c.MovieId AND s.SceneNo = c.SceneNo AND
c.CategorieId IN (60)) OR Rating IN (2))


Working statement (immediate response):


SELECT <.> FROM Scenes AS s, Movies AS m, Categories AS c WHERE m.Id =
s.MovieId AND s.MovieId = c.MovieId AND s.SceneNo = c.SceneNo AND
c.CategorieId IN (410)


SELECT <.> FROM Scenes AS s, Movies AS m WHERE m.Id = s.MovieId AND s.Rating


I am using System.Data.SQLite from http://sqlite.phxsoftware.com/


Thanks for any response!







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