
so i got the rtree extension to work. It does load and creates the 
tables wanted.

Now I am studying the ReadMe 
and there is this requirement:

All r-tree virtual tables have an odd number of columns between
    3 and 11. Unlike regular SQLite tables, r-tree tables are strongly 

    The leftmost column is always the pimary key and contains 64-bit 
    integer values. Each subsequent column contains a 32-bit real
    value. For each pair of real values, the first (leftmost) must be 
    less than or equal to the second.

Hmm - well, how is one supposed to make longitude and latitude data fit 
in there?

I have this so far:

sqlite> create virtual table cityLookUp using rtree(id, longitude, latitude)

But longitude can be bigger than latitude, and vice versa, so how would 
one fill and use this table for queries?

I reckon I would further use the IDs I got back from the query to look 
up the corresponding records in my normal table, right?

Something like

select * from cities where cities.id=(select id from cityLookUp where 
??? Long and Lat clause)

Christophe Leske

www.multimedial.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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