On 6/16/08, Gregor Brandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry about this, but this is a SQL question and not a SQLite specific
>  question.
>  Is there a way to increment a value in a table in-situ.   Without
>  reading it, incrementing it, writing it?
>  I need to insert an entry into a table, it has an id, all entries with
>  id's >= the id need to be incremented to keep the id's unique
>  ie
>  1 bob
>  2 joe
>  3 irene
>  someone wants to insert 2 sarah, I need the table to look like this

-- to keep track of the id that is going to be duplicated
UPDATE table
SET id = -1
WHERE id = 2

INSERT INTO table VALUES (2, 'sarah');

>  1 bob
>  2 sarah
>  3 joe
>  4 irene

UPDATE table
SET id = id + 1
WHERE id > 2 OR id = -1

>  Any help would be great.
>  thanks
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  Gregor
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