On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Nico Williams <n...@cryptonector.com> wrote:
> However, I'm not sure how to write this such that there can be only
> one of those constraints of which there should be just one but without
> then imposing ordering on those constraints.  IMO there's no need to
> fix this.

Ah, there is a way to write it so that you can have at most one of
those constraints where only one makes sense, and not require a
specific order of constraints, but it'd require listing all the
possible orderings, which would be impractical.

So if one wanted to enforce that there's at most one of such
constraints then the best pace to do it in in sqlite3AddDefaultValue()
and friends, rather than in the grammar.  But really, is it worth it?
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