On 11 Nov 2011, at 6:09pm, Nico Williams wrote:

> blob = blob should be a binary comparison
> blob = string should be a string comparison
> blob LIKE pattern should either treat the blob as a string or not, but
> I don't see why either behavior should imply that blob = blob should
> be anything but a binary comparison or blob = string anything other
> than a string comparison.
> I personally see no reason why LIKE shouldn't apply the pattern to the
> whole blob, but GLOB and REGEXP must apply only to strings (or BLOBs
> cast to TEXT).

You know, actually the only one of those I think should work is the first: you 
can compare two blobs for identity.  Anything which treats a BLOB like a string 
should yield an error of some kind (null ?).  I think of a BLOB as a black box 
of some kind: you treat it as a whole, and don't look inside it.  If you want 
parts of it you need to know whether to treat it as a string, a float, a 
colour, etc..

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