Can someone tell me how the statement below works?

> From Eleytherios Stamatogiannakis :
> create table newtable as select * from READCOMPRESSEDFILE('ctable.rc');

I'm using virtual tables extensively in my application, to expose
runtime C++ objects, and I'm declaring them as shown in 1.1 Usage, i.e. using

    create virtual table vt using module(args...)

How does one create such Virtual Table *Functions*? It looks like it
creates a temporary table, but I don't see how to achieve the above
using registered custom SQL functions API, nor the VTable API.

Can those functions be used in joins?

And if so, can the arguments fed to the VTable "Function" be columns
from the preceding "tables" participating in the join?

Thanks for any help on this. This is really puzzling to me. --DD
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