On 9 Oct 2014, at 3:25pm, Drago, William @ MWG - NARDAEAST 
<william.dr...@l-3com.com> wrote:

> The question I have is, should I lump everything together in one table just 
> like the .csv file or should I create several smaller tables that group 
> similar parameters? I'm not sure what would normally be done. I think the 
> database is normalized properly in either case.

For SQLite, except in exceptional cases such as huge (multi terabyte) databases 
or slow media, it is more efficient to have one big table rather than several 
smaller tables.

At a first glance, when I see two tables with identical column definitions, I 
tend to feel that they should be merged into one table with one additional 
column.  Occasionally there are situations in which it's not appropriate, such 
as when the ability to DROP an entire table efficiently is useful.  But it's a 
good guideline.

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