On 13 Dec 2014, at 12:38pm, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

> Also, if there are indices available, SQLite attempts to count the smallest
> index (it has to guess at which is the smallest by looking at the number
> and declared datatypes of the columns) and counting the smallest index
> instead, under the theory that a smaller index will involve less I/O.

Would it not be faster to just count the number of pages each index takes up ?  
Uh ... no.
Wow.  You really don't like storing counts or sizes, do you ?

> To do better than this requires, as far as I know, an incompatible file
> format change and/or a performance hit for applications that do not use the
> feature.

Can you tell us whether the problem exists in SQLite4 ?  I know it uses a 
different format for indexes.  I tried checking the documentation but didn't 
see an answer that didn't involve more work than I felt like doing.

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