On 12/25/2014 08:04 AM, Peter Truskier wrote:
As I mentioned, I seem to have solved the problem by doing a "rebuild" command 
on the FTS4 table. But, as I thought about it further, I'm still confused as to why 
dropping, and then re-creating the virtual table didn't solve the problem as well.

What am I missing?

Creating an FTS4 table that uses the "content=" option does not automatically populate the FTS index. It just creates an empty FTS index that SQLite assumes the user will somehow take care of populating.




On Dec 24, 2014, at 12:03 PM, Peter Truskier <ptrusk...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks so much for the quick AND HELPFUL response!

I had run the pragma, but was unaware of the command. When I ran the 'integrity-check' 
command on the virtual table, I got a "database disk image is malformed Error Code 

Running the 'rebuild' command seems to have fixed the problem. I guess one of 
the triggers for keeping the virtual table up to date must have failed for some 

Thank you again!

Peter Truskier
Berkeley, CA USA

On Dec 24, 2014, at 11:47 AM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:

Have you run integrity checks on the database file (
https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_integrity_check) and on the FTS4
tables (https://www.sqlite.org/fts3.html#integcheck)?  Do they all look

On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Peter Truskier <ptrusk...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have an sqlite database in which I've created a virtual table using
FTS4. For nearly a year, we've been using it to do full text searching with
no problem.

The database contains a table of products (tblProducts) with columns id,
SKU, itemDesc, etc.

The virtual table is created like this:

  CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE tblFTSProducts USING fts4(content="tblProducts",
SKU, itemDesc)

A couple of days ago, full text searches (using "MATCH") suddenly stopped
working - always returning an empty recordset with no error. The data in
the virtual table appears to be correct.

If I do a query on the virtual table like this:

  SELECT * FROM tblFTSProducts WHERE itemDesc LIKE '%inches%',

I get a valid recordset containing the expected records. But, if I do this:

  SELECT * FROM tblFTSProducts WHERE tblFTSProducts MATCH 'inches',

I get an empty recordset.

I've checked the integrity of the database, and it is reported to be good.
I've tried dropping and re-creating the virtual table, and still get the
same behavior.

Does anyone have any suggestion for what might suddenly cause this
behavior after working for moths and months?

Thanks, and happy holidays!

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