On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 at 2:01 AM, Stefan Keller <sfkel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Adding JSON to SQLite (like in PostgreSQL) ultimately needs a
> JavaScript parser - and that seems to be against the goal of SQLite
> being slim.

It needs a JSON parser, not a JavaScript parser. That's much smaller.

Plus DRH already wrote one for UnQL.

But many people are not asking for SQLite to have built-in JSON support
(although I'd welcome it!), but to support low-level mechanisms to allow
such support to be built externally *and* efficiently.

Custom functions already allow some support, but efficient indexing cannot
be emulated (AFAIK) w/o resorting to vtables, which is impractical (IMHO).

My $0.02. --DD
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