On Mon, Feb 9, 2015 at 11:34 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> SQLCipher is an open source extension to SQLite that provides transparent
> 256-bit AES encryption of database files.  [...]
> The API extends SQLite by adding PRAGMAs and C functions to configure the
> encryption.

Adding PRAGMAs is not possible to a true SQLite "extension" I thought, so I
quickly looked at the code on GitHub, and indeed this is a "fork" of SQLite
rather than an "extension" IMHO.

Can't one do the same as this "fork" via a true VFS-based "extension"?
Hmmm, http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/see.html seems to take that same
"fork" approach, so I guess not.

My question then for Dr. Hipp is why such DB-encryption cannot not be
implemented as a true "extension"? And the changes necessary to allow it?
(like allowing user-defined PRAGMAs for example?).

Thanks, --DD
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