On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 3:37 PM, Drago, William @ CSG - NARDA-MITEQ <
William.Drago at l-3com.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel. Is there a best or generally
> accept way to store arrays of complex numbers? I'm considering the
> following:
> I could have two blob fields in my table. One for the real parts and one
> for the imaginary. (I don't like this.)
> Or, I could use a single blob field and concat the real and imaginary
> parts into one long blob. (I like this.)
> Or, I could store pairs in the blob
> (realimaginaryrealimaginaryrealimaginaryrealimaginary). (I like this.)
> Or maybe there's a real nifty way to handle complex numbers that I haven't
> thought of.

Unfortunately, if you do this, you DB/schema is not longer portable (
endianess issues), and becomes "opaque" (must know a-priori what the blob
contains, and worse in what organization, i.e. your #1 or #2 or #3).

SQLite pundits would tell you to store your real/imag floating-points in
tables I guess. Forcing you to add an order col, and a FK back to the owner
of the complex numbers in another table. But that's much less efficient as
a storage mechanism.

Others (like Steven) would tell you to store it in some human-readable text
format (JSON, XML, YAML, TOML, whatever), but that forces to parse and adds
a dependency on some parser.

A middle ground is using some self-describing binary format and stay with
blob, like AVRO for example, or CBOR perhaps, (or HDF5 with a custom VFS)
to at least have a magic cookie in the blob to infer the format, and some
portability. But still a dependency on some serializing library.

These are all I'm afraid not very satisfactory. In Oracle you'd create a
custom Complex type, and another for a VARRAY of that type, and store that
in a "cell" (row,col). But SQLite doesn't have built-in support for arrays,
nor user-defined-types.

So you remain stuck between the proverbial rock and the hard place... There
are no good solution in SQLite for things like this. --DD

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