Hi everyone,

I have a daemon that collects information and stores it in a SQLite
database. The table has 1 million rows.

This daemon is running on a HP server with 12 cores, 32 GB of RAM,
and a SSD drive. I have performance issues with some requests. For
instance, the following request takes more than 5 seconds to
accomplish with SQlite3 (in that particular case, the WHERE clause
selects all the data in the database, i.e. 1000000 rows):

SELECT SUM(nbBytesDecompOut + nbBytesCompIn) as vol, portLan as item
FROM  flows
WHERE timestamp>=1383770600 AND timestamp<=1384770600 AND protocol IN (17, 6)

I have done some tests with or without "INDEXED BY" clauses and got
nearly the same results.

I compared the performance with a mySQL and the same request takes
less than 1 second to accomplish.

Could you give me some directions to optimize this kind of request
with SQlite3 when there is a big amount of data in the table ? I
need to increase 3 times the number of rows and the performance will
become unacceptable for my application.

Thanks in advance.

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