No -- only navigable database support navigation (ie, hierarchical, network 
extended, etc).  Relational Databases do not support scrollable cursors except 
through trickery and deception.

You can save the primary key(s) values and re-issue the query with the ORDER BY 
reversed (row values make this easier).  Or you can do the select into a temp 
table, then play with retrieving the various rows from the temp table using the 
rowid to make it "appear" you are going backwards and forwards.  Or you can 
combine the two and generate the primary keys (keyset) into a temporary table, 
then use the rowid or the keyset to simulate scrolling and recreate the rowset 
on demand with an appropriate query (again, row values make this easier).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: sqlite-users []
> On Behalf Of Igor Korot
> Sent: Tuesday, 11 October, 2016 21:42
> To: Discussion of SQLite Database; General Discussion of SQLite Database
> Subject: [sqlite] Backward cursor support?
> Hi,
> Does SQLite support backward cursor? Something like step_back()?
> If not, what would be a way to do it?
> Thank you.
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