On Apr 22, 2008, at 7:57 PM, Joanne Pham joannekpham-at-yahoo.com | 
sqlite| wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have the serveral sql statement in the one file call : getData.sql  
> and
> I want to use the sqlite API to call this file to execute all sql  
> statements in this file at once.
> Can you tell me what API I should use.
> I had the code to execute the statment but I don't know how to call  
> the file.
> Below is my code to execute the single statement.
> sqlSt = sqlite3_open( name, &pDb);
> strcpy(&stmt[0], "Select * from my table");
> sqlSt = sqlite3_exec(pDb, sqlStmt, NULL, 0, &errMsg) ;
> ....
If you can read the whole file into a character array then you can  
execute it all in a single sqlite3_exec call. That is, sqlite3_exec  
will process multiple statements in a single string, such as "SELECT *  
FROM my_table; SELECT * FROM my_other_table;". Or, you could read the  
file line by line and pass each line to exec, if you know that each  
line contains a complete SQL statement.

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