On 5/15/08, Jon Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am a Perl programmer, and I am trying to update the DBD::SQLite package to 
> use version 3 rather than version 2 of SQLite (somehow it doesn't seem that 
> anyone else has done this yet).

eh. Doesn't see that you have really looked around. See




Even the stock DBD::SQLite 1.14 has been using SQLite 3.4.x for a long
while now.

> Unfortunately, I am really rusty on my C skills, which are needed to handle 
> the glue between Perl and the SQLite routines. Using the API description with 
> the old version of the routines, I believe I have most of them changed over, 
> but the part that steps through and grabs a row at a time is a little beyond 
> me. The old routine used the following command:
>      imp_sth->retval =
>  sqlite_step(imp_sth->vm,
>  &(imp_sth->ncols), (const char ***)&(imp_sth->results), (const
>  char ***)&(imp_sth->coldata));
>   to load the proper values in the proper places. Unfortunately for the 
> purposes of this exercise, the sqlite_step interface is now significantly 
> different.
>  So can someone with more C background help me out with a snippet of code 
> using the new API that will load imp_sth->ncols, imp_sth->results, and 
> imp_sth->coldata in the same manner that the old API would have?
>  Thanks,
>  Jon
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