in message
>     I will call this loop 2 times for inserting 2 records at run time.

Which part of "the exact code" is difficult to understand? Can you post 
the code that I can copy, paste, compile, run and see the results for 
myself? You omitted the most interesting part - how you prepare the data 
to be inserted. I have reasons to believe this is precisely where your 
problems lie.

> memcpy(st_SQLITE_DB_Record.s8_ArtistName,tmp_str,strlen(tmp_str)*sizeof(
> short));

strlen counts the number of char (bytes) to the nearest NUL byte, not 
the number of Unicode characters. You multiply this count by two, thus 
copying up to the NUL byte and then again as much. This doesn't look 
right regardless of what's in tmp_str (which you chose not to show, by 
the way).

> u16_SearchResult=sqlite3_column_text16(insert,0);
> printf(u16_SearchResult);

The first parameter of printf is a char*, it expects a narrow string. It 
doesn't know how to print a Unicode string. You would just see garbage 
where each byte (each half of a Unicode codepoint) is interpreted and 
printed as a character in its own right.
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not 
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to 
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly 
overhead. -- RFC 1925 

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