Ralf Junker wrote:
> Darren Duncan wrote:
>> Ralf Junker wrote:
>>> Can you suggest an alternative to a single reserved name to represent the 
>>> column which uniquely identifies a database record under any and all 
>>> circumstances?
>> Yes, change the interface to RowID into a routine call rather than a column 
>> name; eg use "RowID()" rather than "RowID".  
> I can not see how this would actually work with SQLite. Any use-created
  RowID column would override and hide the implicit rowid column even
  for the RowID() function, would it not?

No it wouldn't.  You can still access SQLite's hidden RowID no matter what
users name their columns.  The thing is, since my proposal involves SQLite
making syntax for accessing its hidden rowid using a function rather than
as a fake column name, that function or the syntax for invoking it can be
anything the SQLite developers pick that they know will be in a separate
namespace from the one that table columns are in.

>> Then when using it in a SELECT, you can say "RowID() as foo" in the
  select list where "foo" is different than a normal table field.  Such
  is how 'standard' SQL does it.
> What is 'standard" SQL? Can you give an example how this is used with
  other DB engines? I am not familiar with MySQL, but searching the
  documentation I could not find that it supports this concept.
  Maybe others do?

Actually, what I was meaning to get at here was the concept of a user's SQL 
statement using 'as' to rename the result of the special keyword for a 
rowid et al to some arbitrary other word to represent it as a column name, 
that didn't conflict with any column names the user chose for their tables. 
  Various examples using (ANSI/ISO SQL:2003) standard SQL or other DBMS did 
things like this; the other reason for renaming is eg so that when joining 
2 tables, the rowid from each table has a distinct column name.

>> Any manager app can read the database schema first and generate a name
  "foo" that is distinct.
> As things are at the moment, the implicit, unambigous RowID can not be
  retrieved from the database schema if all three "RowID", "_rowid_",
  and "OId" column names are overridden. This applies to SQL as well
  as to user-defined functions.

Then a candidate fix is for SQLite to use some namespace syntax for 
referring to those special things that is distinct from the namespaces of 
user-defined things.  If it were me, I would have eg all system-defined 
operators named sys.foo, and all user-defined ones grouped under usr.foo, 
or that idea.

And don't worry about whether or not doing this is compatible with other 
DBMSs or not, considering that the whole rowid/oid stuff is very 
non-portable and wildly implementation dependent anyway.

If you want true portability, you do this by ignoring all these special ids 
and have explicit (unique) keys on your data columns, and then you use your 
actual data as its own unique identifier ... which is how the true 
relational model works anyway.  Doing other than using the actual data to 
identify itself is just asking for trouble, and is a main reason why this 
whole rowid problem started.  Doing it right saves trouble and gives 
portability.  In fact, data identifying itself is the only approach I 
really advocate; any of my other suggestions which may try to use the 
special rowids are never my first choice, and I have less impetus to argue 
for them.

-- Darren Duncan
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