kgs wrote:
> kgs wrote:
>> kgs wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I've compiled sqlite3 for arm-linux(armv5t) as well as the tcl environment.
>>> sqlite3 3.5.9
>>> tcl 8.4
>>> I've run testfixture all.test on the hardware it's compiled for.
>>> Everything runs great until we come to the crash4-1.1.1 up to 
>>> crash4-1.1000.1.
>>> the messages are :
>>> Expected: [1 {child process exited abnormally}]
>>>      Got: [1 {couldn't create error file for command: no such file or 
>>> directory}]
>>> for each crash4-1.x.1, then :
>>> *** Giving up...
>>> 1000 errors out of 26715 tests
>>> the crash4-1.x.2 and crash4-1.x.3 return Ok.
>>> Any ideas as to what may be wrong ?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> sqlite-users mailing list
>> So this is apparently what is happening...
>> this code in tester.tcl :
>> set r [catch {
>>     exec [info nameofexec] crash.tcl >@stdout
>>   } msg]
>> is returning :
>> 1 {couldn't create error file for command: no such file or directory}
>> so i think that >@stdout is trying to treat stdout as an open file... 
>> but it doesn't exist.
>> I'm guessing that stdout is supposed to be a fixed thing in tcl... and 
>> that this is supposed to take the output from the exec and pipe it to 
>> stdout.
>> So... if this is how its supposed to work, then why isn't it ?
>> _______________________________________________
>> sqlite-users mailing list
> Never mind that last message, >@stdout puts the error message i'm 
> getting in "msg" through the catch.
> So that leaves, that the testfixture command is not being found.  I 
> checked what "info nameofexec" is returning, and it returns the full 
> path and name of testfixture.
> When I run "testfixture crash.tcl", I get no error...  I am confused.
> Forgive my babbling, this is my first day with tcl.
> _______________________________________________
> sqlite-users mailing list
Ok, so now I think I know what really going on... from
B-14: exec: couldn't create error file for command: Error 0
 If exec returns an error message of "couldn't create error file for 
command: Error 0", the following may help:
 This problem exists under Unix and Windows NT. I have conclusive proof 
that under Unix it was being caused by the temporary directory not being 
world writable, which explains why superusers were able to "exec" 
something but not a regular user. The "gotcha!" is that /tmp is not 
necessarily the temporary directory that is used, so people were not 
seeing an obvious problem. Tcl uses the tmpnam() system call, which on 
many systems actually uses /var/tmp, and on some systems that directory 
was not world writable. I would like to call this a problem with one's 
site administration.

Since root access to the hardware I'm using is not attainable, how do I 
work around this ? Any ideas ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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