There is virtually no difference in using indices or not in my query.

I also tried to reformulate my statement in order not to use BETWEEN but 
a sandwiched > and < statement:

SELECT * FROM Cities WHERE class_dds<11 and (longitude_DDS BETWEEN 
6.765103 and 7.089129) AND (latitude_DDS BETWEEN 44.261771 and 
44.424779) ORDER BY class_dds ASC Limit 20


SELECT * FROM Cities WHERE class_dds<11 and (longitude_DDS>6.765103 and 
longitude_DDS<7.089129) AND (latitude_DDS>44.261771 and 
latitude_DDS<44.424779) ORDER BY class_dds ASC Limit 20

The timing with a latlon index (latitude and longitude indexed):
TIME:2814 ms

The timing with just one index (latitude):
TIME:2797 ms

Timing with two indices (latitude and longitude separetly):
TIME:2787 ms

Timing with two indices (lat/lon) and the reformulated query above:
TIME:2763 ms

So all in all, there is no substantial speed gain to be found - it 
probably has to do with the fact that i am sorting at the end?

Christophe Leske - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lessingstr. 5 - 40227 Duesseldorf - Germany
0211 261 32 12 - 0177 249 70 31

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