In addition to playing with the splitting algorithms, since you are
compiling your own DLL, you can customize the R-Tree module for 2 dimensions
-- i.e. hard-code it for 5 columns of data.

This would *roughly* be accomplished by replacing all occurrences of
and replacing all occurrences of
and recompiling (don't forget to enable optimizations in MSVC).

You will also have to comment out lines like:
   pRtree->nDim = (argc-4)/2;
   pRtree->nBytesPerCell = 8 + pRtree->nDim*4*2;
I have not tried this, but a quick review of the code implies this would
create a version of the R-Tree module "hard-coded" to support 5 columns (or
2-dimensions) which should be a little faster.

If you play with the database page size as was previously suggested, you may
also want to try adjusting the RTREE_MAXCELLS #define (although it's not
clear to me how this would affect performance).

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