
if I attach a database to itself the trigger in the second db seem not 
to work as expected (as I wrongly expected? .-): Does anyone no why and 
how I could work around this?

sqlite3 adb
.headers on
create table a (
        pk integer primary key );
create table b (
        pk integer primary key,
        fk integer constraint fk_c references a (pk) on delete cascade on 
update cascade);
.genfkey --exec
insert into a values (1);
insert into b values (1, 1);
--test trigger
update a set pk=2; -- ok
select * from b;

sqlite3 adb
.headers on
attach database adb as bdb;
--test trigger
update bdb.a set pk=3; -- fails
update a set pk=3; -- ok
select * from bdb.b;
select * from b;
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