On Fri, Nov 11, 2011 at 11:55 AM, Yuriy Kaminskiy <yum...@mail.ru> wrote:
> One way or other, "=", "LIKE" and "GLOB" results should be consistent.
> If string is NUL-terminated, "=" should ignore everything after NUL.
> If string is length-terminated, "LIKE" should not ignore bytes after NUL.

blob = blob should be a binary comparison

blob = string should be a string comparison

blob LIKE pattern should either treat the blob as a string or not, but
I don't see why either behavior should imply that blob = blob should
be anything but a binary comparison or blob = string anything other
than a string comparison.

I personally see no reason why LIKE shouldn't apply the pattern to the
whole blob, but GLOB and REGEXP must apply only to strings (or BLOBs
cast to TEXT).

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