Hello Everybody,

I have just started to use StrutsMenu. Its really gr8 thing.

While development to adjust my requirement I have added few things which I whould like to share with you all.

1) Generating MenuComponent Object dynamically.
MenuComponentBuilder is a utility class that can generate the MenuComponent from any object. This will help to provide dynamic Menus in web application.
[ attachments MenuComponentBuilder.java, Test program TestObj.java ]

2) Hook in MenuDisplayer.
I had a requirement by which on certain business conditions few MenuComponets where not supposed to be shown to user. For this I have
- Added an iterface called MenuObjectValidator.
- Modified BaseMenu to store the object from which the MenuComponent is generated.
- Modified UseMenuDisplayerTag to accpent implementation of MenuObjectValidator and set on displayerInstance; and this instance should call validate method on impl before processing a MenuComponent to be displyed.
[ attachment : MenuObjectValidator.java ]

Please let me know your suggestions on it.

Rahul Kulkarni

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Attachment: MenuComponentBuilder.java
Description: Binary data

Attachment: MenuObjectValidator.java
Description: Binary data

/* * Copyright ©. */ package com.fgm.web.menu.util; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import com.fgm.web.menu.MenuComponent; /** * * @author Rahul Kulkarni * @version $Revision$ */ public class TestObj { private String title; private String toolTip; private String id; private List sub; public TestObj(String id, String title, String toolTip) { this.id = id; this.title = title; this.toolTip = toolTip; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getToolTip() { return toolTip; } public String getId() { return id; } public List getSub() { return sub; } public void addSub(TestObj o) { if ( sub == null ) { sub = new ArrayList(); } sub.add(o); } public static void main(String[] args) { TestObj root = new TestObj("1", "root", "root tooltip"); TestObj TestObj("1", "one", "one tooltip"); TestObj two = new TestObj("1", "two", "two tooltip"); TestObj three = new TestObj("1", "three", "three tooltip"); one.addSub(three); root.addSub(one); root.addSub(two); MenuComponentBuilder mcb = new MenuComponentBuilder(); Map repo = new HashMap(); repo.put(mcb.OBJECT, root); repo.put(mcb.NAME, "rootTree"); repo.put(mcb.TITLE, "getTitle"); repo.put(mcb.TOOLTIP, "getTitle"); repo.put(mcb.SUBELEMENTS, "getSub"); Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("id", "getId"); repo.put(mcb.LINK_PARAMS, params); MenuComponent mc = mcb.buildMenuComponent(repo); System.out.print("* MC " + mc.getMenuComponents().length); } }

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