Hi Kevin:

Here is how I used the html:link, but it is used with a bean.

This code:

<html:link page="/delete.do?type=user" paramId="userName"
paramName="userSearchResults" paramProperty="userName">Delete</html:link>



basically, it assigns a parmeter called userName the values of the property
(parameProperty) from the bean (paramName). If you want to have more than
one dynamic parameter then you will have to use a Map (in the html:link

Maybe you could add the request.getParameter() to a bean (using a struts
tag?) before using the html:link?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin J. Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 3:40 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Need help with html:link and passing parameters on the
> querystring
> I am trying to use the Struts tag, html:link, but I don't think I
> understand its usage. Basically all I want to do is create a link to a
> page in my application and one or more dynamic parameters in the query
> string.
> The non-Struts JSP link went something like this:
> <a href=" <http://localhost:8080/myapp/foo.jsp?service=<%=
> request.getParameter(service_name>
> http://localhost:8080/myapp/foo.jsp?service=<%=
> request.getParameter(service_name) %>">Service</a>
> I am trying to figure out the Struts equivalent but I am not having any
> luck. I tried something like this:
> <html:link page="/foo.jsp?service=<%= request.getParameter("service")
> %>">Service</html:link>
> ... but it doesn't like the usage of the request.getParameter(). Can
> anyone help?
> I read the Struts documentation and browsed the struts-example app code
> but I'm still not getting this.
> K.

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