Serious breach of MVC though!

What don't you like about the select implementation?  I think it's cool!


Sarah Farrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/11/2002
10:19:26 PM

Please respond to "Struts Users Mailing List"

To:   "Struts Users Mailing List"
cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Re: Pre and Post Processing

I'm relatively new to struts too.  But I really don't like the HTML select
implementation.  So I use a custom tag to fill in select/option lists.  In fact
I have to use this tag throughout my application so I made it very generic.  My
select/option lists almost always come right from my database.  So I made a tag
that takes a SQL statement as an attribute, the name of the field that I want
as the option value as the 2nd attribute, and the name of the field I want
displayed in the list as the 3rd attribute.  The tag class builds a
stringbuffer with "<option value=[field1]>[field2]</option>" strings for each
row returned from the SQL statement.

Then I use the struts form/action classes to verify the result of submitting
the form.

At 05:35 PM 2/11/2002 +0000, you wrote:
>I'm new to struts, and I'm having a discussion with one of our designers
>about pre and post processing in web pages.
>Previously, we have used the standard JSP way of creating pages, with lots
>of code in the top and body of pages, in order to access functionality we
>have exposed in some Java beans.  These Java beans wrapper XML services
>provided by our Forte 4GL back end.
>Say we have a form which accepts customer details.  I can see how the Struts
>mechanism allows us to put the code that was previously at the top of the
>next JSP page into an ActionHandler, which decouples the flow of pages quite
>nicely, and we have a nice way of doing post processing on the contents of a
>However, if we have a page that has to display a list of addresses for a
>customer, and we have to run some code to get the list before we can display
>it, where should this code live?  Should it be in the ActionHandler with the
>previous page's post processing, or is there a better place to put it?  Or
>would you suggest writing a custom tag to perform the pre-processing?
>Thanks for any thoughts,
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