EJBs are not bad in and of themselves, and certainly not for newbies.
They are easy to misuse as a lot of people have, and therefore have a
bad rep. Using good design patterns can help in a good EJB solution.
They solve some problems, and yes create others. Also as mentioned on
the JavaLobby website, "J2EE is not spelled Eee Jay Bee". JSP, Servlets,
JMS, and EJB all fall under the J2EE umbrella. Lest we forget that
Tomcat is the reference implementation of the J2EE JSP/Servlet APIs...

I've never been a big fan of J2EE security, but it IS abstracted away
from the developer. The biggest help is in transactions, being
declarative and in clustering the EJBs (yes I know you can cluster
webservers and servlet containers, but the code runs in one VM as
opposed to being _able_ to run across multiple in the same execution

The alternative you suggest, Struts + Tomcat + RowSet, also has it's
place, and is more akin to the way the M$ petstore is built (not the
same, but more similar). I see no object model in the alternative, which
is useful in many, many environments.

Most public webapps probably don't need middleware, true. But in some
corporate apps (not all but some) middleware is a really helpful thing.
And saying that SOAP is Middleware, or a middleware alternative is like
saying SOAP can replace EJB. It's just showing ignorance of the
technology. SOAP is a communication mechanism like RMI, DCE, RPC, not a
middleware mechanism like EJB, JMS, etc. 

I read the links posted, and in the one case it goes back to my earlier
statement, misuse or misunderstanding of the technology. What EJB the
right solution? Maybe not, then again it might have performed great if
designed/built right. 

To blatantly disregard something as 'bad' doesn't help, and just sounds
like Microsoft when they said their petstore was better than Sun's. It
misses the point and says nothing.

- Robert

-----Original Message-----
From: Vic Cekvenich [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 11:42 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: EJB = bad = MS.net

Home page of Jakarta has this
on this:

I agree. Doing EJBs is bad on many levels and creates more problems. 
Avoid EJB if you want to stay in Java.

Alternative is to just use Struts + TomCat + RowSet (or DAO if you are 
doing something simple or small) and done. This is the sweet spot. MVC 
is all you need.

Alternative, do EJBs and your organization WILL switch to MS .NET on the

next project, leave J2EE, and you have to learn VB.net.

EJBs are for newbies. (If you need middleware (very rare) use SOAP)


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