You dont need two actions. You can use an 'action' parameter to decide which
action you are performing. 
On your html:link add a parameter action="view" 
and on the submit action="add" or action="edit" depending on  what you are
In your action, you can have if statements that perform different functions
base on what you are doing.

There is an example in the struts docs that explains this. (Cant find it
now. you have to search for it)


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2002 11:10 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Struts design question about maintenance screens

Hi Folks:

thanks to your help, you indicated that the Action should preload form
values on a maintenance form.   This works great.

I have an Action object that allows maintenance on a table (call it table
A).   This action object handles "preloading of data"
as well as the actual "updating of data" (Add/Edit/View).

Another question I have:
- The action object gets kind of "kludgey" in how I have to keep track of
"whether I am preloading data (called from a html:link)" or whether I am
"Applying" the data (called from the form Submit).
Is it "overkill" if I create 2 different actions (1 action to preload the
data and another to "update" the data)?    I think by doing it this way, it
may be easier for me to incorporate the "sensitive form resubmit"
prevention by using tokens.

Any suggestions are much appreciated.


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