I'm a newbie, but I ran into something like this before.

Make sure you have a good Struts.jar (look at the contents and see if that
class is in there).

Look around and see if you've got another struts.jar (or download it again
from the web site).

I think I was accidentally using one from a 3rd party package...which was
missing some thinkgs...

Just an idea to try if it's really in your classpath or lib.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ida Dørum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:06 AM
> Subject: How to include struts.jar the proper way
> I get the following error when i run my struts-application, and
> it tries to instantiate my ActionForm class:
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/struts/action/ActionForm
> As I see from the archives this is a pretty common problem,
> however none of the solutions i've found here seem to work, and
> many of them condradict eachother ()
> This is my setup:
> - struts.jar is included in my WEB-INF/lib directory
> - struts.jar is not included in my server (WL6.1) lib directory
> or in its classpath
> - my application is deployed as an .ear (and must be)
> I've tried:
> - exluding WEB-INF/lib/struts.jar when building my .ear (using
> ant), both with and without struts.jar in the WL classpath and lib
> Any good suggestions on what's wrong?
> Thanks in advance
> - Ida
> .......mogul technology
> as...................................................
> mogul technology > ida dørum - software engineer
> www.mogul.no
> .......................................................................
> --
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