
I updated the previous 'user colours' patch and took it to a new level: You
can specify colours using regular X names AND hex! Hex uses the CL reader
macro #x, so you can also put in raw integers if you want. "#hexinstring" is
not supported. As usual, applying this patch won't change any default
settings or appearances. If you don't want your hexadecimal colours to get
darkened and brightened, (setf *bright-colors* nil). This has a global
effect though and disables brightening for regular X colours as well.


;; Solarized theme
(defun colour (key)
  (let ((colours '(:base03 #x002b36
                   :base02 #x073642
                   :base01 #x586e75
                   :base00 #x657b83
                   :base0 #x839496
                   :base1 #x93a1a1
                   :base2 #xeee8d5
                   :base3 #xfdf6e3
                   :yellow #xb58900
                   :orange #xcb4b16
                   :red #xdc322f
                   :magenta #xd33682
                   :violet #x6c71c4
                   :blue #x268bd2
                   :cyan #x2aa198
                   :green #x859900)))
    (getf colours key)))

;; Update colors
(setf *bright-colors* nil
      *colors* (mapcar #'colour '(:base02 :red :green :yellow :blue :magenta
:cyan :base2 :base03 :orange))
      *mode-line-background-color* (colour :base02)
      *mode-line-foreground-color* (colour :base00)
      *mode-line-border-color* (colour :base02))
(mapcar #'update-color-map *screen-list*)

;(set-font "-nil-profont-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-iso8859-1")
(set-focus-color (colour :red))
(set-unfocus-color (colour :base02))
(set-border-color (colour :base02))
(set-bg-color (colour :base03))
(set-fg-color (colour :orange))


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