Least and Greatest

    "Many people that have the highest place now will have the
    lowest place in the future. And the people that have the
    lowest place now will have the highest place in the future."

                            -- Mark 10:31 (ERV)

  God evaluates people differently than most earthly judges, critics, and
  cultures do. Those who appear to be lowly, unimportant, backward,
  impoverished, broken, and meek will be valued as precious by God. Is it
  because he favors the poor and the weak over the strong and the rich?
  Not necessarily. However, God does cherish the person who serves others
  regardless of his or her station in life. He does care deeply for the
  person who recognized her or his need for God's love, mercy, and grace.
  God does recognize the genuine humility of a person who has suffered
  because he or she would not compromise on integrity issues. So those
  who have cheated their way to the top and thereby gained fame and
  recognition will not be the ones God honors. No, it will be the people
  they stepped on who refused to give up on faith, morality, integrity,
  honesty, and Christian values. It will be the people who served others
  -- even those who abused them -- in the name of Christ.

  O Father, help me value others by your standards. Help me see the value
  of others through your eyes. Confound my intentions when I choose the
  wrong path and go the way of fame and fortune rather than faith and
  service. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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