Love Your Neighbor

   "The second most important command is this: 'You must love
   other people the same as you love yourself.' These two
   commands are the most important."

                           -- Mark 12:31 (ERV)

The second great commandment also deals with love. This time, however,
Jesus focuses our attention on our love for other people -- our
neighbors. In giving these two commandments -- love God and love
neighbor -- Jesus has summed up the heart of the Ten Commandments
(Exodus 20), God's blueprint for morality. The first four commandments
focus on honoring God. The remaining six focus upon treating our
neighbors fairly. However, Jesus takes them a step deeper and makes
them simpler to remember. More than honoring God and treating others
honorably, we are called to love them. Our motivation and passion are
suddenly at issue and not just our behavior. God made us for
relationship with him and with others. Our relationships are to all be
marked by our love.

Father in Heaven, I do love you and I want that love to be shown
through all that I am. I confess, dear God, that loving my neighbor can
often be much harder than loving you -- of course I also know that I
can't really love you without loving my neighbor. Please fill my heart
with your love as I seek to love my neighbors -- those whom I like and
those whom are my enemies. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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