I Agree!

   The man answered, "That was a good answer, Teacher. You were
   right when you said these things. God is the only Lord, and
   there is no other God. And a person must love God with all
   his heart, all his mind, and all his strength. And a person
   must love other people the same as he loves himself. These
   commands are more important than all the animals and
   sacrifices we offer to God."

                           -- Mark 12:32-33 (ERV)

While the agreement of the teacher of religious law is nice, it says
more about him than it does about Jesus. Our judgements on Jesus'
teachings are not the issue. Our obedience of Jesus' teachings is the
issue. Spiritual arguments that are about fine points of interpretation
can become excuses for pride or division. Jesus' concern is that we
honor the will of God by obeying what he says. This obedience must be
obedience of the heart and not just obedience in behavior. While I hope
and trust that everyone who reads this devotional today appreciates,
agrees, and applauds the teaching of Jesus, we must realize that it is
not our place to sit in judgement on the merit of Jesus' teaching.
Instead, you and I are called to obey him as our Lord and thus honor
the Father who sent him.

O Father, may my search for truth never end with just admiration for
the teachings your Son gave to us. Help me in my resolve to not only
know the truth, but to also live it. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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